
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Classes Are Over

So, I turned in my last assignment this morning. I have nothing else to do for this semester except wait for my grades. I hope they're good.

It was a long semester. Very long. And yet, all to short. I could have used at least a week's worth of extra days, sprinkled in there when things all happened at once. But that's the past, and I survived. My grades should be in by Thursday.

But I won't be at home then. I'm leaving tomorrow morning to spend a week in North Carolina, fossil hunting. I'll probably write and post several more times during that time.

This is just a quick post to say that classes are over, and I will be coming back. I've got a lot of things that I want to talk about, and I'm never at a loss for words, so don't worry about that. There will be more posts. Lots of them. :)

I'm finally, finally, finally reading a book. One of like 25 I have sitting here waiting for me. I wonder how many I'll conquer before the summer semester starts. A lot, I hope.

I fell off the rice and planet hunting train during finals week (That's a post in itself, right there.). I stuck with the writing though. My project derailed itself at the beginning of the week, and I mostly did random streams of consciousness and brainstorms on other ideas that I have, but I was still writing. Sometimes on my phone after I went to bed. But I did it every day. I'll decide soon if I want to try to fix the first project, or just move on to something new.

Good things are happening in my life, but I'm not allowed to say anything for two weeks. You'll know when I am. :)

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